{ "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type":"BlogPosting", "mainEntityOfPage": { "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https://google.com/article" }, "headline": "How SMO or Social Media Optimization is Done?", "image": [ "https://espinspire.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/6-300x113.jpg", "", "" ], "datePublished": "2019-08-15", "dateModified": "2019-08-15", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ESP Inspire" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "ESP Inspire", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.espinspire.com/images/logo.png" } }, "description": "Social media optimization (SMO) was initially aimed at driving traffic from social media sites. Nonetheless, SMO is now considerably more significant, such significance of SMO is not only because social networking has developed but because SMO also improves SEO performance." } How Social Media Optimization is Done?
How SMO or Social Media Optimization is Done?

Social media optimization (SMO) was initially aimed at driving traffic from social media sites. Nonetheless, SMO is now considerably more significant, such significance of SMO is not only because social networking has developed but because SMO also improves SEO performance. SMO will direct traffic from referrals to social sites directly and from search engines. Following are few SMO strategies you can apply to optimize your SEO.

1. Engagement with your potential customers:

You must be actively involved with your audience. This can include comments, designations, share and likes. There is nothing as smart as everyone so that sharing other people’s content and providing a good user experience by providing feedback and comments.

You need to target networks that can be used to interact and make it easier for people to interact. Maybe people will interact with the content on your site, but you might find that there are far more people who want to interact in their existing communities such as the Google+ community and LinkedIn group. You can combine this by using the Google+ comments on your blog.

2. Authority of your product:

There are many aspects in authority. Search engines are interested in ensuring individuals and brands are seen as authoritative and trusted by real people on the Internet. The clearest example of a step in this direction is Google Authorship. Setting up Google Authorship can help set you up as an expert and show your profile prominently in search results.

3. Adding value to your content:

A leader will research everything they can about their field and share wise insights that will add value to your audience. Poor quality content will be considered as such and will not be shared as a consequence.

As a leader, you can also create value for your audience through curating content. This means adding value to the content by giving a summary, adding context or perspective to the content you share.

4. Making your mark in social media networks:

You also need to build a high-quality network, quality is potentially more important than quantity. Find experts in your field, read what they say, involve them in debates and share your ideas. Make your mark on social media platforms.

5. Targeting the right audience:

It is important for you to focus on the right platform and community. Find and focus on platforms, communities, and groups where your audience gets along.

Some platforms are far more effective in increasing SEO benefits from SMO than others. Most effective platform is Google Plus for many reasons to improve your SMO.

6. Optimization of your content:

You can optimize SMO by focusing on following aspects of your content.

Share buttons – make sharing easy for users by adding sharing buttons to your content. You also have to show the number of shares to show social proof.

Social Icons – group and display your social icons in prominent places on your site.

Subscription options – group shared subscription options such as email, RSS, and bulletins.

Social Login – use social login options to make it easier for users to comment.

How Social Media Optimization is Done?

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